Home > Me > My Awesome Trip to Ontario or Why I Haven’t Written Posts in Awhile

My Awesome Trip to Ontario or Why I Haven’t Written Posts in Awhile

I’m back everyone!

I hope you enjoyed my Top 10 Sci-Fi movie countdown while I was away on vacation. I got some great comments and nobody has told me I was way off base with my picks (yet).

So what have I been up to? While I currently reside in Calgary, Alberta, I grew up in Ontario. I made a 10 day trip back home to visit friends and family.

I had a fantastic time too!  I made it back to London, Ontario where I went to the University of Western Ontario.

There, I visited the lab where I did my M.Sc and had drinks at my favourite pub Molly Bloom’s.

Molly Bloom's Irish Pub, London, Ontario

I felt totally sick in the morning, thanks in large part to my lab buddies sneaking Vodka shots into my beers without my knowledge. I had a great time though.

I then headed north to visit friends in Port Elgin.

Port Elgin, Ontario

There I had some great BBQ, saw great friends and had great times.

Beer Can Chicken

After that, I travelled to Ontario’s capital, Toronto. There I stayed for a few days going out for dim sum and drinking at the Bier Markt downtown.

Good Times Being Had

I also had a great time on a patio the following night along Bloor Street.

After partying it up on the streets of Toronto, I headed northeast to my hometown of Peterborough.

Peterborough, Ontario

There I got to see a whole whack of my family, as it was my Mom’s 50th Birthday and we had a big party for her. It went really well and I had a great time.

The following day, I got to see two of my best friends from high school get married!

The ceremony was beautiful, the location was fantastic, and the party afterward, well…I don’t quite remember. But I have some blurry photographic evidence which leads me to believe it was awesome.

More Good Times Being Had

After 10 days of this, you can imagine I am pretty exhausted. I need to get back to work to actually relax.

But thats what I was up to while I was gone, but of course science never takes a holiday, and I got some great stuff to write about in the coming days. Stay tuned…

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