
Archive for December 1, 2010

What Would Happen if You Ran 45 Miles Everyday for 2 Months?

December 1, 2010 1 comment

Route of one TransEurope Footrace. Click to enlarge.

And I get proud of myself when I run 3 or 4 miles. This sure is humbling…

But running 2,800 miles (4,500 km) in 2 months is exactly what a group of a few dozen “Ultramarathoners” do every few years in Europe. Its called the TransEurope Footrace, and I am in awe.

Last year, 44 of the 66 participants in this race allowed themselves to be medically examined through the course of the race, to find out exactly what happens to people who exert themselves this way.

The results were presented at the Radiological Society of North American meeting in Chicago this week. The study was entitled: Longitudinal Follow-up of Changes of Body Tissue Composition in Ultra-Endurance Runners during 4.500 km Trans Europe Foot Race 2009 Measured by Whole-Body MR Imaging on a Mobile MR Imaging Truck-trailer. (Yes, the same conference that had the acupuncture presentation I wrote about yesterday.)

So they followed these runners around with an MRI machine in their truck (!) and through the course of the race took 6 full body scans of the runners and measured their body fat content and muscle volume. The results?

We found muscle mass catabolism also in the exposed muscles of the leg. This occurs in every subject. Over all nearly 34% of nonvisceral body fat has been gone after the race. But there was nearly 20% of visceral fat loss, also.

So they found that 7% of muscle mass in the leg was lost through the course of the race as well.

I’m not sure whats more impressive about this study: that they ran 4,500 km, or that they followed them with a friggin’ MRI machine in a friggin’ truck!

Yahoo’s Most Searched Terms in 2010

December 1, 2010 Leave a comment

Yahoo! has released its top 10 searches of 2010. The list is:

1. The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster

2. The World Cup soccer tournament

3. Pop singer Miley Cyrus

4. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian

5. Singer Lady Gaga

6. Apple’s iPhone

7. Actress Megan Fox

8. Singer Justin Bieber

9. “American Idol”

10. Singer Britney Spears

Now, should I do my typical geeky, anti-pop culture rant about this? I will try and restrain myself.

But #1 Oil Spill, #2 World Cup, #3 Miley Cyrus?

C’mon people! Have you seen the internet!? There’s way cooler stuff than Miley Cyrus!